Elna 496120-20 | Adjustable Bias Binder
Information for Elna 496120-20 | Adjustable Bias Binder
Cover Hem or Chainstitch? Narrow or wide trim? Purchased or custom made bias tape? Since this foot is so
adaptable, these are some decisions you will need to make.
- Chainstitch
- Bias binder foot, adjustable
- Polyester overlock/serger thread
1. Use any size of pre-folded bias tape. Cut one end at a 45° angle. Insert cut angle into guide .
2. Pull bias tape under foot and extend it behind foot. Adjust the guide opening with screw until bias tape folded edges are slightly touching left side of guide. Adjust position of bias guide with screw . Hand turn flywheel to lower needle over bias tape. Check screw adjustment. Insert fabric edge into bias folded tape. Lower presser foot.
3. Sew first two stitches by hand turning flywheel. Sew at a slow speed holding fabric in left hand and bias tape in right hand.
Hint: To sew a curve, sew two or three stitches, lower needle, raise foot and
move fabric against guide. Lower foot and continue in same manner around
entire curve. Avoid very small curves.
For Elna Models: 744, 945.